Sunday 24 May 2015

Day 4: Thursday

Today  I spent the first part of the morning with Second Class. My cousin is in this class so I got to meet some of her friends which was a lot of fun. The children took out the school laptops and occupied themselves with an interactive application where they could make games. It was quite confusing, and I was needed to help the students with the task. It took me a while to understand the game but I got the hang of it soon enough.

After break in the staff room I spent more time with Senior Infants. They don;t have playtime on a Thursday so instead they did work in their rhyming books. I helped them to come up with words that ended in -ill and then put them into sentences. I enjoyed this a lot as I like helping students with academic work. 

In Junior Infants the kids were learning all about money. They were learning what different coins look like (1c, 2c, 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, €1, €2.) The teacher asked me to teach the class. I had to call out different amounts of money and the Junior Infants had to hold up a picture of the coin. I really enjoyed it as the kids were really attentive and listened to me well.

After lunch and being on yard duty I was back with Fourth Class.  I went outside with them to practice for sports day which is in a couple of weeks. I watched them do the three legged race and the relay. They all seemed to love sport and to be incredibly eager to do well which was lovely to see. 

It was a nice end to the day to do work outside in the fresh air and I really enjoyed the P.E. class. I walked home at 2:10 and I'm looking forward to see what my last day of work experience has in store for me. 

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