Tuesday 19 May 2015

Day 2: Tuesday

Today I spent the morning with Fifth Class. First we went outside so they could run the heat races for their big sports day which is coming up soon. It was my job to see who came in what position and then report back to the teacher. After about 15 minutes of exercise, the class came back inside to do some project work.

Each student had to work separately on some aspect or topic of World War 1. The students chose topics on things such as trenches, the Lusitania, a timeline of the war and war vehicles. I helped the students do research on the laptops, print out pages and glue pictures down. It was a lot of fun working with the students as they are very mature and capable of holding interesting conversations.

When break time arrived I went outside into the cold to supervise the children playing in the yard.

Then I spent the next hour or so with both Junior and Senior Infants. Both these classes were having fun playtime. I painted scenes of the ocean with a group from Senior Infants which involved a lot of mess and blue paint.

In Junior Infants I also did some arts and crafts with the kids and had chats with them about their birthdays, pets and favourite colours.

After lunch I spent some more time with an SEN where I sat in on a lesson for about 30 minutes.

At 1:30 I went into Fourth Class to help them with their projects on Italy. They were researching everything from gladiators to Trevi's fountain, pasta flavours, the weather and Pompeii. This was the most fun for me as history, and especially classical studies, is my favourite subject.

At 2:10 it was time for me to go home after another day in the school. I really enjoyed the whole day as I interacted with some more of the older students which I have found is what I enjoy the most.

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