Monday 18 May 2015

Day 1: Monday

I am doing my third work experience placement in my Kilternan C.O.I. National School. It feels great to be back in my primary school 5 years after I left. I don't think that primary speaking is a career path I wish to follow but perhaps by the end of the week I'll have changed my mind.


My day today started at 8:30. I got a lift with my cousins who attend the school. I spent 8:30-10:20 with an SEN where I helped to compile some reading books for the students. I printed them out and then spent a while gluing and stapling. I then sat in on a short maths revision class with some 5th class students.

I then took my break in the staffroom with all the SENs. When the bell rang I
walked around the playground on "yard duty" for 15 minutes while the children took a break in the fresh air.

After that I alternated between Junior and Senior Infants before my lunch break at 12.00. I helped the Senior Infants with worksheets and exercises involving the months of the year. They loved chatting to me and telling me all about their weekends, when their birthdays are, what they dressed up as for Halloween last year and where they are going on their holidays this summer.

In Junior Infants, they were all having fun with Playtime. I helped a table of students with some tricky jigsaws before I was hungry and it was time for lunch.


After being back on Yard Duty for 30 minutes at lunch, I spent some time with a different SEN from 1:00-2:10. I sat in on two different sessions with two different students. I certainly learned a lot about what is the best way to interact with kids in the learning environment. 
My day was over at 2:10 and I was free to go home. It was a fairly short day but I'm still exhausted as I find that any new experience, no matter what it is, makes me feel tired.

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