Thursday 21 May 2015

Day 3: Wednesday


This morning I spent all my time with the Junior Infants. First I helped the SNA and the teacher read with each individual student. Then the kids had a fun maths class which involved learning about patterns. I played some fun games with them and then got the paint pallets ready for some patterned finger painting.
I helped the class to make patterns in bright paints which was very messy but a lot of fun!

I played some entertaining games with the Senior Infants outside during break and then went into their classroom to do fun playtime with them until 11:30. I played an interactive game called "Garden Centre" with a small group while others did painting and Lego.


For half an hour I went back to Junior Infants where they were learning all about tortoises after reading "The Tortoise and the Hare" yesterday. They watched a video of a tortoise hatching. It was fascinating to see how interested the kids were in the whole ordeal.


The afternoon was spent with Fourth Class who were enjoying themselves in a relaxed art class. They were sewing different designs onto a sort of burlap material in various bright coloured wools. I helped anyone who needed ideas or anyone got a little confused or stuck.

By 2:10 today when school time was over I felt as if the day had flown by. I had a lot of fun with especially the younger classes who I have gotten to know over the week. I am excited to see what tomorrow will bring. 

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